Melanie Fillmore — Detroit, Michigan

Melanie cheats repeatedly on her man. If he is home and awake, she has random men pull up outside to take care of them. She’ll attempt to be a ***** in the car, but doesn’t fit. She will then go between her neighbors home, in the woods or side of the road. If her man is asleep, she’ll use her bed! If her man wakes up and catches another male in the home, her best friend Erica Tymes will allow Melanie to use her very own bed to be a *****. Erica will attempt to scare the men’s significant others. She thinks b/c she is fat and tries to sound urban, she is scary. She’s not. She is just another overfed, drunk side chick just like her friend. Melservices will place condoms, dirty panties, makeup in your child’s car seats. Then BOTH women will use their employers phone to harass men.

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