Melanie Anne Dennis — Detroit, Michigan

Melanie Anne dennis- aka Melanie fillmore, Melanie snider with her husband Joshua Dennis and best friend (the other drunken over weight side chick) Erica Jane Tymes. Comstock park, Grand Rapids , northview mi (Kent county Michigan) finest! Melanie fillmore dennis snider is the mother who is constantly drunk. She meets men on the side of the road (while her husband is home) just near her home. She then will service random men near the school (back in the woods) Behind the trees, she will attempt their cars——- but she doesn’t fit. Will tell her husband that she is going out for a walk. While living with and buying a home with her “ex” she was servicing Joshua aka jay as well as several other men. She begged the others to move in with- after, as she explained, jays mom helped remove Scott from the deed of her home. Once the other men declined, jay- being a drunk just her, was the lucky man to get to live – According to her- for free in her home. While josh is asleep, or in awake in the basement- Melanie has men come right into their bedroom. If jay catches men in his home—- trusty best friend Erica will tell josh the men are there with her. Erica will then bring the men to her own home—- while Melanie frantically texting the men that they better not get serviced by Erica and text her deep fears of Erica taking the men away from Melanie. Melanie will quickly turn up at Erica’s home – where Erica will offer up her own bed for Melanie to service them in! Once the men leave and Melanie realizes that she is still, just a side chick…. the women will then hatch a plan to leave things like condoms, dirty underwear, cigarette boxes and makeup in the mans vehicle. Then, Melanie being the coward that she is will have Erica call to threaten the mans significant other (through other ppl of course) to frighten her! Erica will find that even though she’s from the tough and rough streets of comstock park mi- no matter how “urban” she tries to sound- no matter how over weight she is…. she is not scary. Erica, being as faithful and trustworthy friend as Melanie- will begin to tell Melanie’s secrets and explaining that Melanie has been and always will be a whxre- and a horrible mother. Then the Jayster will threaten females for Melanie. Both females will use their employers phone, on company time- to reach out to the men Melanie wants to be of service to. Melanie… 40 year old drunk who talks like a baby will ask men to choke her, pull her hair etc… she WILL BEG THEM TO HAVE THEIR BABIES

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