Mehar Gill Kang — Vancouver, Canada

This is Mehar Gill Kang or GK is probably the biggest stuck-up cent out there. She’s been matching guys talking to multiple guys and anything she remotely doesn’t like she unmatches them or ignores them she will start off with a smile and welcoming intro on bumble then try the degrade you she considers her self a doctor and thinks she to entitled shes scrawny no ***** no *** and is but ugly just like her personality this girl or person since she gives women a bad name should be banned. The funny thing is she’s also so desperate at the same time her father had to create her a account and is trying to find a guy for her which is so pathetic. De she was most rude to my one friend whos a great upbeat guy he was joking with her and she told him he’s not on her level her status clearly he isn’t he’s much higher than her even low middle-income people don’t behave or do or say the **** she does she calls herself a professional but clearly isn’t definitely giving her school job a bad name I hope she gets karma.

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