Meghan Norris — Edmonton, Canada

This is fat little piggy is looking for a daddy for her baby. Met it on Facebook messaged me at midnight to hook up and boom no problem. Legs spread like butter. Bit of a nasty stench from her pu55yand likes it hard in the ***. Pushes her kid on you making it hug you and crawl all over you which is f’d up considering she works for the gov child protective services. I won’t lie I pounded it a few times but with enough perks, nothing matters. She loves her booze and will do some rails with ya but she is controlling as fkkk once she thinks she’s got ya. And good luck trying to get rid of her. Months and months and it gets drunk and starts harassing for hooks up. DE, Don’t let the pictures fool you. She’s short fat with flabby ole gut on the front from punching out kids. Banana *******.

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