Megan Christine Bentzley — Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Notice how every single cheater site has 1000 articles on a man named Darren Ambler and is always posted by the same crazy woman, usually pretending to be multiple people having a “meetup”? She’d almost be successful at that if all of her fake accounts didn’t have the exact same crazed typing style. She’s a bitter ex of Darren Ambler and seems to be in a state of psychosis or untreated schizophrenia. Lexx Envy/Megan Christine Benzley/Megan Wintermute is being sued for slander. What “Lexx Envy” is actually notorious for is slandering people in both her personal and professional life with completely false accusations on shady websites all over the internet. Below are men she has slandered with the same accusations and COURT RECORD of her being SUED FOR SLANDER. Below you will see examples of her writing. Search any well respected pro domme in Philadelphia and you will see she wrote very similar things about them as well. She has slandered, harassed, outed personal info and stalked pro dommes in the Philadelphia area under the guise that it’s her stalker out to get her. There is no stalker. There never was. It’s all her. Also Megan Bentzley: Violet St.

1 thought on “Megan Christine Bentzley — Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

  1. Why are you using disgusting services like this you PIG? It takes one to know one. You have a lot of B***s complaining. The kind of people that use these services are sick, desperate Perverts and *** and *********** addicts. Don’t know what planet you live on but you need serious help sweetie! Go sign up for a course in Etiquette and a course called Morality- 101. World is full of sickos and getting worse. Perverts that use Domme services end up with various STD’S and AIDS. What a screw-ball.

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