Meagan Jenkins — Florida

Over the last 9 months, you have witnessed something in me that just never comes out. Despite my ex wife cheating, or Leanne cheating….I never treated them with such awful words like I have with you. Im not impyling that you do not deserve it because Meagan, the bottom line here is that you used me and cheated just like the others, but the difference was, i didnt catch you out front in a car like I did Susan or have it promoted to you like leanne, but I saw it and felt it during the last 4 months of the relationship with you. We both know whole-heartedly that your heart wasnt with me. All the signs were there Meagan. Not wearing the engagement ring around the house, or making excuses to not call me, or something simple as making excuses to not want to stay with me because your mother said so. I guess I was so in love with you, i beleived the lies that you told me. I held onto something that you never had for me and thats where I screwed up. I should have left you months before Lily was born and I stayed because I felt i was born on this earth to take care of you and Lily. We both know that I would have been a **** of alot better father to Lily than her current piece of garbage father who spreads his seed all over the area without a care. A huge part of me believes you got pregnant on purpose to keep Chris in your life and you were hiding that from me. Like, i was his replacement until he decided to wanna play daddy and hubby. I am told my so many people that is what happened and sometimes, i believe it. You opened so many wounds for me to reveal when you used me during this relationship. Over all Meagan, I spent entirely way too much on your food, gas, clothes, entertainment, gift, engagement ring, parts for your car, christmas, and most noteably the last week of our relationship (your car). I dont care about the money meagan, you did!! I was your way out away from your mom for a while like you had explained to me before and after Lily was born, and Chris came around like an idiot, I tried to make this work. If i knew you were using me, I would have walked months ago. I remember when Christmas was around and I spent a ton of money on you, do you remember being in that perfume store and I said grab two of whatevber you want? You grabbed the two most expensive they had, so dont sit there and tell me you didnt take advantage of me, because not only did you do it than, you did it other times over and over and over. It isnt the money Meagan that I care about because if you and I were together today, I would do the same exact thing and to be honest, i would never do that again for anyone else but you. There is something about you that noone on the planet can explain, but I fell in love with you and whatever the devil is inside you and I still hurt over it. Over these months, you and your mother and sister and friends have taken the time to post links to my arrest online and do you remember you and I sitting in my living room in the very beginning of this relationship back in July and discussing that? Do you remember what I said and how I explained how I was arrested and that they were false charges, which i later was vindicated? Why do you keep bringing that up? to be honest, it totally reminds me that I made a mistake and i wont trust any woman. I was arrested in louisiana because I caught a young woman cheating on me with a guy she was pregnant by and I told her to screw off. 3 days later, she made up a bunch of lies and had me arrested…that case is done with and charges were dropped 7 yrs later. As far as the case in Florida, when you tell a woman no, she didnt take no for an answer and had me arrested because she said I took her computer. Along with my lawyer, a private detective and the District Attorney, the dumb a** confessed on wire taps that she set me up when I asked her in private. She later pleaded guilty and served 1 yr in prison and I won a lawsuit against her. I just never took the time to take the arrest off of public record. As for mty ex wife, that was a very scary situation. I caught her cheating with my boss in the front yard in her car and I busted the window out and she than filed a restraining order on me…only to withdraw it 3 weeks later….so, all these things you post have answers to them. I have no comment on your criminal history because its history. You made alot of mistakes in your past and with me by taking my money, but instead of putting you in prison, I gave you the opportunity to pay back what you took and you never took the initiative. I am betting a million to 1 that your mother still doesnt know the entire truth about what you did to me furing the relationship. I relaized that when you were hiding your walmart arrest from her, but I received a very disturbing message on my facebook your mom (or you) sent to me and I want to make it perfectly clear that your mother does not scare me in any way in this lifetime. It is very apparent she doesn’t know the truth about what you have done to me and I guess that will stay between you and I. I would never have been so upset at you, but you had to scratch my **** SUV. That ****** me off more than anything and when my neighbors saw you do it, I just knew you were angry with me for starting to see someone else right away. Between you and I, Justine was there for me when you were treating me like **** and ignoring me during the last 3 months of our relationship and I gave her a chance and it has worked so far, and we are best friends now and we no longer see each other. I have taken alot of time to get over you and it may take along time, but as you say…it happens. Meagan, what you did to me was awful, wrong and just pure crazy and I have never seen anyone in my entire life get taken advantage of like you did with me. You had the perfect scam going by just holding onto me long enough to get money, gifts and whatever you could. I never once thought you were like that when we first got together. I met this beautiful and arrogant woman who was better than everyone in her mind, but that was a sexy quality to me. Your facebook has hundreds of pictures of just you on it and if that isnt selfish, i dont know what is. I want to make it perfectly clear that I do not like your mom and never have. She treats u like you are 10 years old and the scary thing is, the path you are choosing by spending probably teh rest of her life with you, you have to live with those consequential rules…I am not knocking you for wanting to stay with your mom til you are 40 yrs old, who wouldnt…free rent, free food, etc…but, you have to grow up someday Meagan. You took full advantage of the person I am and you made me into this angry person that resented you for the damage you did to my bank account and my car. Today I am hurt and what hurts the most meagan, is that we were so close. Next month we were getting married and you had the life of a queen where i was going to take care of you and Lily and I truly think you never loved me and you not getting over Chris really killed us. I remember the nasty things you said about your Mom and your step dad and just know this, they love you and if it wasnt for them meagan, you would be in jail or dead somewhere…they are the absolute only reason you exist today and be thankful and stop being selfish. Regardless how I think your mother is an idiot, I do think that she has alot to make up to you for by raising you and your sister backwards and I guarantee she will be there for you both, thats why you decided to keep your baby and tori didnt…you are the smart one and *** thanks you for accepting the responsibility over what your sister could not do. You are the hero to so many kids out there who’s moms abandon them and after this shooting in Connecticut, you just wanna hold on to Lily really tight and never let go. We all take life for granted and I think you took my presence for granted and I may never forgive you for using me, but I will forgive you for the awful person you are inside. I will never forget you and I will most definitely not forget Lil bean because I miss her soooo much. She is the only baby I ever held and she caught my heart and I love her more than you could ever imagine because I saw her grow inside of your belly and meagan, please know that what you have seen these past several months isnt the guy you were with. You hurt me and used me so badly, that these wounds revealed a guy I didnt like either. The guy you were with was the Shawn that I am and he was a great loving person who always made you and lily first before him and you should never forget that. During the first 4 months we had, you were treated better than anyone could ever be treated and you decided to walk away in your heart and mind and thats when it should have ended, but you kept this going with no feelings for me. I could have dealt with you walking away, i cant deal with you using me. I want you to listen to a song for me that best tells you in all of its words how much I feel about you and how all this has come to this perdition.

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