McDonalds — Very Bad Service

I just would like you to know that on December 11th 2022 @ 9:30 am I went into the store and was refused service because of some sort of activity that had nothing to do with the store just that all the employees wanted to go out side and watch it while 6 customers stood there waiting for service and 4 cars in drive through when my partner said this is bs and walked out. The manager then walked around the corner and said we can serve people with a smug attitude, my partner was leaven he turned around and said I dont want anything from your company to been refused earlier and walked away … then lady then decided it was ok to talk about him in front of customers and say if I see him come back I’m gonna tell him he is not allowed back in this store… I dont find that to be appropriate experience and very rude to be talked to or talked about like this…. I expect that lady to have some repercussions for her actions…. also i would like a formal apology from that lady… at 259 High St, Ellsworth, ME 04605… this was embarrassing to say the least and she didnt seem to give a care in the world… this is not the first time that this lady has had a problem with us I let that incident slide.. but she was talking to her co workers about how peoples orders was ridicules and how people are stupid and should just order what’s on the menu or not order at all. That was just 2 weeks ago for the first incident.112522 @2:06pm I have tried calling the phone number but was on hold for over 30 minutes with no answer just bad music. I would like an answer back, thank you very much, I want an formal apology from the lady and her to have some sort of repucusion for her actions… if I was her boss I would fire her in a heart beat for just saying the things in front of other customers about a customer.if she did it to one she has done it more then one time. She was very rude.

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