McDonalds — Poor food and service

Store 16373 placed order for 2 diet cokes, qtr pounder, and McNuggets. Placed at 11:18 am 100221. Received 2 drinks and was told to wait. While waiting I found out 2nd diet coke was in fact sweetened ice tea. At 11:46 I went into the store to meet the runner with only the McNuggets. I asked the store manager how long does takes to make a qtr pounder. after 7 more min, my sandwich arrived. We went three blocks and turned around. The burger was raw.(bright pink) back to the store.. The manager looked at the burger and agreed it was raw. Again more waiting. Finally got 2nd burger and was assured it was properly cooked. A mile down the road wife tried to again eat a burger. It too was raw bright red again. Instead of going back we gave up. When we reached our destination I called the store to inform them it was still raw. I was told I was wrong, they measured it with a temp probe. I guess their probe is more accurate than my eyes. My wife has cancer and getting food poisoning on top of her treatments would very likely kill her. We will not be returning to your restaurants. Admit and fix your equipment and get some sort of customer service going in your store vs denial.

1 thought on “McDonalds — Poor food and service

  1. I walked into our McDonald’s and my first sight is a street person sleeping on one of the tables.
    I ordered my McGriddle with no cheese. Once I got to my table I checked it had cheese. I took McGriddle back and requested another with no cheese. I got a 2nd one, got back to my seat and found that McGriddle is cold. I requested a 3rd one. The 3rd McGriddle looks like someone threw it against the wall then sent it out. I ate my McGriddle and now my coffee being cold I decided I had enough as this has happened several times before as that’s why I don’t go through drive through.

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