McDonalds — Breakfast

Went to the drive thru they we very busy waited in line half hour just to order. i paid for it When i got to the window to get my food I ask them if it was all there she said yes I look in bag and missing my 2 egg sausage cheese muffins So they went to get this girl that she said she was the manager and there was nothing she could do at that window and go back thru the drive thru I told her no that it was to long so we were having words back and forth I told here that was filing a complaint on you. She took my receipt and ran over by the rest room with it and got this man that she said he was the supervisor I told him what happen had words with him he told me he would take care of it So in the mean while I was holding up the line. Thanks to that girl that said she was the manager which I did not think so. By then the lady behind me got out of her car came up to my window and started yelling at me that I was hold up the line get the **** out of way so we can get are orders. So when the supervisor came up to me I told him what was going on that I pull over while you take care. i had held up the line a half hour already. When I got home the muffins had scramble egg not the fried ones cuz they told me they ran out. This is quite an experience Sunday morning. Fired that girl that said she could not do anything she should of told me that I would take care of it and not go back to the drive thru they train her wrong. Do not argue with the customer just take care of the problem.

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