McAlisters Deli — Unacceptable food

I don’t know why am taking the time to submit this complaint because I’m sure nothing will be done about it. I love McAllister’s and have been eaten at this location many many times. But more often than not, I have a bad experience with regard to the food quality. How to go order last night however took it over the top. I ordered meals for three people and was absolutely flabbergasted by the poor quality of the meals when we got them home. The sandwiches were almost indescribably bad. They looked like they were thrown together with someone’s feet using literally a third of the normal ingredients. Side orders and condiments were barely there with regard to quantity. There is nothing more frustrating than having paid $50 for a meal that is so unsatisfactory. It was Friday night at approx 6:15 and there were literally only 3 other customers…so being too busy cannot be the excuse! I called and spoke with the manager Nori, and he was fairly dismissive, basically telling me that I could follow all my complete online. I know good employees are hard to come by during these times but I’m not sure how in the world that business stays open with the lack of pride that the employees take in the product they are putting out. Absolutely zero quality control!!

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