McAfee — Unbelievably complicated System

I have double paid my subscription with McAfee because their system is unbelievably complex, First: each time I have become a member ,when trying to get to my account it rejected me several times, I then gave up for a while out of shire frustration, it never recognised that I paid the subscription, about a monthe laterI paid an ourther subscription tried to get to my account in order to download and install the security protection, finally i get a new ID for my account, but it systematicaly refosed to download and install the protection, I’m no cumputer Gig so I once agail gave up. I now am sick of the computer games MCAfee requires and whish to have my subscription reurned in order to fins another security protechion company. McAfee is not for me, I’m too old to be interested to take another uni course to cope with such rubish. Strictly for the young and arogant. Please send to McAfee, I’m trying to refrain from telling hat sort of rubish this American realy is, Arogant Cr !!! to have my money back or reluctantly have them solve the problem from their end I do not wish to deal with their product any more. My Serial is: C8ZHNCS7CNYB89BE

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