Maureen Roddy — New Hampshire

This girl is straight trash and has cheated on every guy she’s ever been with. She finds a replacement before she breaks up with you. She does percs and drinks like it’s her job. She will use it until you have nothing left. She took my buddy for thousands. I’m supposed to be her friend but I can’t even stand the *****. Coked up banging multiple guys at once or at least in a day is more than anyone can stand to see. She disgusts her own family. Running through her bothers friends and even her mother’s. Age has no limit for this *** dumpster. I feel bad for the last couple of guys she’s seen. I get to meet them and know what horrors await the poor fools. Her obsession with ruining guys’ lives and playing to their heartstrings has to stop. She’s also a fellow to make it even sweeter. Guess this is the place to share my concerns for all the clean ***** still left in her life. Wrap it, ram it and run gents.

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