Maureen Patricia Alfau Cedeno is from Dominican Republic that lives at Oak Point Townhomes In St Robert MO. She is in a relationship with a married military man that lives at Fort Leonard Wood. If you confront her she will denied, but she post his name initials on her Instagram account, that means that her family and friends knows the true. She has a son that she uses to be look as a good single mother, but that is all fake because she uses him to have the attention of any guy that she see as a good provider for her. She has a relative who is military too, looks like is maybe her mother, and could be that she was raised to be a *****. She is very active on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter. People of MO be aware of this *****, she will play as a good person but is not. And if any man is reading this, be careful with the STDs that she carries.