Matthew Singletary – Florida

We got into an argument over a TV we coudln’t afford. He ran over to a friends house to “cool off”. I hate this “friend” and he was supposed to have stopped hanging out with this a****** a year ago. Anyway, this “friend” got my husband drunk and then hooked him up with a NEW GIRLFRIEND. She’s disgusting and won’t leave him alone even though he’s MARRIED, yet she claims to be faithful to ***. But anyway, he has run off and decided the grass is greener over there. Oh yeah, I’m a month and 1/2 pregnant too…and he knows it. This New manipulative girlfriend now has him convinced that our baby is not his!!! WTF?! You cannot imagine my hurt anger right now towards this deadbeat runnaway babymaker and his adultrous homewrecking w****!!!! The w****’s name is Missy Decker. They can both be found on Facebook.

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