Matthew Ryan Giroux — Else Paso, Texas

I was with Matthew for 7 months in high school. Then I found out that he cheated on me and before I got the chance to break it off with him he broke up with me!!! A few weeks later I found out I was pregnant. De he was my first and only at the time which he claims that I cheated on him as well which I DID NOT!!! Soon as I found out I was pregnant I called him to tell him. He answered I told him and he hung up. Then apparently he ran to his mommy so she called and cussed me out calling me every name in the book saying she knew I was with other guys and that it wasn’t Matthews baby. After that he joined the military. That’s when I went for child support through the court. When he found out about that I heard that he went AWOL. After my beautiful little girl was born (about 3 months after) I saw his mother in a grocery store and I was with my mother. She walked over to her and said ‘Marcella I thought you might want to meet your granddaughter: She immediately said Im not old enough to be a grandmother and her being in her early 40’s. She said You are so stupid you dont even know where he is” My mom looked her straight in the eye and said ” He is in El Paso. All the color drained out of her face. Since then I have talked several times to the woman at DSS and said he isn’t paying child support. First she says I have to find him. Really?? Thats NOT my job. Then I find out that in N.C. he has to go 6 months without paying anything and then they will put him in jail. WTF??? Today my daughter is 7 years old and she has never seen her father. But I do know that he is in El Paso Texas he is married with a brand new truck and house. If he can afford that stuff he can definitely pay child support. As of today he owes me dose to $40,000. I would really like to find this dead beat and put him in jail until he is caught up which will probably be never so I hope he rots in there!!! I will try to post a pic later but I can tell you he is short and fat now with brown hair and blue eyes and he is 33 years old.

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