Matthew Galpin — Edmonton, Canada

everyone let me show you what Matthew Galpin looks like today. an absolute trainwreck of a human being who still brags (lies) that he is a bitcoin millionaire and likes to message and harass women online. this guy has gone nowhere but straight downhill. and his hairline speaks for itself. desperate lonely and now in a race against in his genetic mutations, he is still doing this **** at 30+ years old. harassing women online and sending vile messages when rejected. imagine. the dude recently needed to get hair implants because he was balding so bad like an old man. 32 years old and getting hair plugs rofl. even his own hair hates him. he has never acquired that “baller” car he bragged about to everyone but instead drives an even sh1ttier Ford Focus than his last one. De says he owns over 50 btc lol.. that’s 2 million dollars, Matthew! wow!! why are you still living like a *** then?? compulsive liar much? do you tell the women you manage to Bill Cosby into your sh1thole home that you have been living with STDs for 10+ years? Matt still tries to hit on women on FB and Instagram because all the dating apps have banned him. Matt had to move to an even sh1ttier townhome because he couldn’t afford the other ****** one lol. He lives solely off bitcoin and selling ounces of weed and running Instagram scams (which he tried to pin on his brother once but got found out – another reason for his move) to get by. Mr. Matt Galpin hasn’t had a job in 10+ years and calls himself an “entrepreneur”. I’m guessing he means street level weed dealer? Always telling others that they are broke but he literally has nothing other than a shithole to hang his hat and a junked out Ford Focus he calls his “asset”. This ugly pasty sock puppet managed to somehow acquire a girlfriend for six months who was unaware of his STD infection and caught it from him. She also had missing teeth and was an extreme alcoholic (literally the ONLY woman Matt could find dumb enough to date him) and she once broke into his sh1tty townhome stole his bank card after he threatened to rape her. Jerry Springer anyone? He has had his license suspended and been pulled over multiple times for reckless driving ( he is a horrible mess when it comes to operating a vehicle). This dude is literally a walking comedy skit and every year just becomes funnier and funnier. Matthew Galpin everyone.

157 thoughts on “Matthew Galpin — Edmonton, Canada

  1. This post is such a lie. Matt told me his brother was making up stuff and posting it online before this article appeared. His brother is ******. Google him

    1. Nice try, Matt. You’re notorious for making comments using other names trying to act like people are defending you about these posts and then shifting blame onto your family. Who you going to blame next for posting you? Your father? Your mother? I wonder how they even deal with you, if they even do. Get a grip. Nobody would ever stand up for you. Everyone knows what a psychopath you really are and we are all enjoying watching your life crumble.

        1. HAHA. Matt we all know your net worth is virtually nill. Any money you’ve ever accumulated has been by selling drugs or running scams online. Calling yourself an entrepeneur? You mean a theif?? I haven’t lived at home in 20 years so nice try. Unlike you I run a professional legitimate business that’s doing very well. You have to rely on robbing people and covering your tracks online to pay the bills. Bonafide LOSER 😄😄

          1. Craig,

            You seem smart enough that you may have time to file an anonymous cra complain about how tax fraud. I have done it and it’s simple and easy. Any money he does make is illegal and he needs to be audited.

          2. We have submitted two seperate complaints for Matthew Edward Galpin. It has been sent to the CRA National Lead Centre. No record of employment and and filing any taxes for the last 10 years but somehow managing to pay for rent, fuel, and food….yeah. they will be looking into him for sure.

      1. if there is anything posted about Chris, it’s simply Matt posting making up random nonsense about him and posing as women commenting lol. He is soo pathetic he thinks people can’t see right through his bullshit. Matt has a history of online bullying and forgets that people still remember how psychotic he was in high school. Even the teachers had to have a talk with his parents. Nothing has changed it seems.

      2. Matthew just made a website dedicated to humiliating his brother. Just wow. Sick twisted little maggot who deserves his teeth punched down his throat. He’s scared of Chris and won’t face him. He won’t face anyone in fact. That’s why he resorts to bullying people online. Guy needs to be beaten down in prison.

    2. Everything about this post is true. 1000%. Matt has severe mental issues and needs psychiatric help. I know his brother personally and Matt has always been jealous of him for as long as I can remember. He has harassed him for years and posted him on TheDirty several times making up lies about him. Even posed as him online trying to frame him. Matt has to hire escorts to get laid and then falls in love with them. When they reject him, he becomes a monster and begins stalking them. 3 of my girlfriends have encountered Matt online and have said they have feared for their lives. He is insanely insecure with a little d*ck and a fragile ego. This kid needs to be put in a wheelchair.

  2. Absolute truth to this post. Finally Matt getting what he deserves. SCAMMER ****. nice bald spot Matty haha

  3. This piece of **** stalked my girlfriend for weeks before we had to file a police report on him. Keyboard warrior too chickenshit to face any man in real life but likes to bully women. Broke and dirty matt needs a serious *** kicking.

    1. Chickenshit? How did I get your number? Oh yeah. YOU texted ME asking if your ugly *** gf was cheated. Yes. She was. LOL

      1. This says it all right here. Disrespectful towards women and likes to “cheat” people out of their money. Edmonton 420 club dot com is his business name.

      2. There he goes again. Compulsive liar Matt. This kid hates himself so much he has to fabricate stories about himself to make him look like the victim. LOL. Everyone who knows you hates you. Pretty pathetic actually. A legend in his own mind. Face it, Matt. You talk so tough online but in real life you’re such a ***** boy with no real assets, no job, no girlfriend, and no money. Just a dumpy townhome a pos car and a ****** kitty kat 😄 btw did you stomp it to death yet?

  4. This guy has been blasted so many times online and all the stories posted about him are 100% true. He really is a psychotic mentally unstable human being.

  5. shady w33d dealer dont buy from him. he ripped my girlfriend off for an oz and gave her moldy bud. lucky i didnt cstch him

  6. Matthew Edward Galpin should be aware that the boys are aware of what he is up to. Be careful driving next time, I know someone planning on cutting his brakes hahaa

    He messed with the wrong guy

  7. i truly wish they allowed comments on thedirty again. there is so much to be said about this lowlife scumbag. he has an entire army of people in Edmonton who would love to catch this creep alone in a dark alley. from posting girls online who have rejected him to posing as his OWN BROTHER on dating apps to stomping cats to death, this psychopath deserves to be beaten to a cruddy pulp and stomped like the innocent cat he did back in high school. find his mother Marilyn Galpin on facebook and let her know how evil her son is. ******!

    1. Garret, shut the **** up kid. You couldn’t fight your way out of a wet paper bag. You won’t do **** because you’re all talk. How many years have you been talking now for? 10? 11? You were a loser back and then and you’re a loser now. I make in a day what you do all month. What’s your net worth? 10 grand if that?

      1. Buddy you’re a broke *** dumpster fire with ZERO money. The only thing you can flex is that broken pos Ford Focus and a dumpy *** townhouse. Big woop. You’re constantly trying to brag about **** you don’t have. LOL. Every woman you have contacted has a police report on you. You don’t make jack **** and we all know it. Everytime anyone has asked you to prove it, you can’t. No net worth. No job. You don’t pay taxes. You have an arrest record and you hurt animals. You call people out to fight you but run and hide like a bald little muppet. You are a total joke. These posts will not stop.

    1. lol I can provide address. Add an email in the comments and then we can add on social media. I don’t expect cash, hahah just proof that he’s either injured or never going to stalk me again.

      I fear for my life with him the city

      1. Jordan,

        When did he move? I am assuming this is Matt’s alias, as I’m aware he still lives right by west Ed.

        We should consider having a real group with a slight bounty on some proof.

        This guy is stalking my friends wife and he screams Incel

        1. He is an incel. Has been for years. His whole life is the internet. He gets rejected online lots because he is such a creep and couldnt handke being rejected in real life. He would snap and murder someone. Hair trigger temper on a midget with serious mental problems.

        2. How is he stalking? Usually he does this via FB or Instagram or through the textnow app using burner numbers so he can hide his identity and claim innocence if ever called out for it.
          Police haven’t done anything AFAIK.

      2. Really matt? How pathetic. Always writing posts under other people’s names. No this is definetly not his address! Matt himself wrote that post.

        1. Do you know his correct address Megan? There is alot of us who need it to go and confront him as he has scammed ALOT of people. He has ripped off money from people on disability and a few women. This guy is beyond a piece of **** and needs his kneecaps busted.

      3. Someone should contact the owners of that residence and let them know Matthew is using it on this site for fraudulent and malicious intent. It’s a chargeable offense in a case like this when so many people are after him and are serious about knowing his whereabouts. We need a phone number and a real address on this guy ASAP.

  8. ROFL. if you type in “matthew galpin ripoff list” on Google search and then scroll to the bottom you can read the complaint on Lumen database he sent it to Google desperately asking them to remove it from their search results 🤣🤣 …

  9. Its funny as **** that this kid keeps talking so much about money he doesn’t have thinking people care. Desperate cry for attention because he can’t get a girlfriend or have any friends. He was a loser in high school and he is still a loser and every girl thinks he is repulsive.

  10. Isn’t this the kid who used to steal gas from gas stations because he was always broke??? Man some people never change …. truly sad individual

    1. nah. he changed it to cryptojoker888.
      the guy idolizes villains like Peter Scully, Jeffrey Epstein, and Harvey Weinstein. he definitely is a joker lol

  11. This is the goof who ran multiple IG weed scams and tried to set his brother up by posting his address to thedirty two years ago. I still think he’s scamming people because I’m hearing stories of him being talked about online. I guess he slipped up and someone has proof of a wire transfer to him. Real scumbag.

    1. Actually that was his brother Chris Galpin. Matt runs a legit crypto website, not IG weed scams. Get your facts straight.

      1. False. Matt has been scamming people online for years and trying to blame his brother for some weird reason. Matt doesn’t run anything but his mouth and then hides.

      2. Nope. Matt runs and random IG pages. I know a bunch of people hes robbed via Etransfer here in Edmonton and Im sure he is running crypto scams across Canada. Theres only two ways to get crypto: being given it or buying it. Matt doesn’t day trade and even if he did he wouldn’t make much. He uses crypto to avoid taxes and has no real credit to his name. Matt uses his scamming funds to buy Bitcoin and also scams Bitcoin from pages he runs on IG. He was caught last year and tried to frame his brother for it but unfortunately for him it backfired and he got exposed. Hence why he is in hiding and only replies through here

  12. I am not surprised to see him being posted yet AGAIN! Go and check out the Instagram page called @bewareofpage created solely to expose Matt and how he has tried to pose as his older brother online, who is the nicest guy in the world. Sad to say but Matt and I dated briefly when he was younger and lived at home at his parents house in St Albert and it was the biggest mistake of my life. He was a downright nightmare. He hit me in the face and used to call me horrible names and use to threaten that if I told anyone he would “end me”. I was able to get out and leave him when I moved away into the city. I feel so bad for his family having to endure all of this.

    1. Vanessa, we were 16 years old when we dated. I haven’t seen you in 20 years and you wanna pretend you know me so well?

      You killed your mother and got a million dollar settlement out of it. Get real

      1. Omg you really have not changed at all have you?? So abusive to say such a thing. My mother was killed in a car accident when I was just a kid and you say that?? Believer in karma. You deserve all of this exposure. You are truly an evil horrible human being.

        1. Omg. Don’t talk to him, he is messing with your head and don’t give him your address. Don’t even engage, he’s in full front physco mode.

  13. This guy will scam you. Beware. So many complaints filed against him for bad business transactions. Crypto theif. He’s been doing it for many years.

      1. If you’re a firm believer in karma, Matt then I’d say karma has ALOT more in store for you than just losing your hair. Wouldn’t you agree? The sea of women who have come forward with police reports and accusations on you. The countless people you have scammed out of money. The embarassment you have caused your whole family.

        You need to get it through your head. People don’t like you because you’re cringey and creepy. Women want nothing to do with you because you’re short, ugly, and violent. YOU covet money so much because it’s the only thing you feel can lord over people as if we all aren’t better off than you. You are so far behind in life, you’re moving backwards. You sit inside your little dwelling online all day trying to pay bills. You sir are the absolute epitome of a ******* incel.

  14. ****** guy has to hit up massage parlors to get laid. He’s not allowed back at Cloud 9 becsause he threatened one of the girls. Scumbag

  15. lives in the brown townhouses next to west ed
    drives a red 2006 ford focus. he deleted all of his social media after this post went viral and shared around on facebook. matt is scared and hiding.

    1. Yes I’m hiding. Wtf lol I haven’t drove a Ford Focus or lived in those town houses for years. Get your lies straight

      1. Oh. What do you drive now? That Benz you said youd have back in 2013? Lmao. No matthew. You sir are a compulsive liar. Whats the next big lie? Telling girls you’re clean and dont have herpes??

      2. You are hiding Matt. If you were as tough in real life as you are online, you’d easily face any one of us to set us straight if we were wrong. What. You think we just randomly picked you to expose like this? Innocent little Matty? Youre the victim here? Case of mistaken identity? Yeah. Dont think so buds. Youve terrorized and robbed alot of ******* people and karma’s wrath is coming. You can’t run forever.

  16. Did he literally just put on his twitter page ” Justin Timberlake’s twin”???? how delusional is this guy? Thinking the earth is flat, believing he is some angel sent from Christ, telling people he’s rich, and that he has a big **** (it’s 5 inches at best Matt – we’ve seen the photos with the herpes sores) …. id say this guy has some seriously deep rooted mental health problems. Incredible

  17. Taken from Matt’s twitter:

    “Sorry to the angry mob. I can’t change the past or address false accusations, so I’ll focus on the future and the future is #crypto. Truly sorry”

    Killing an innocent animal and the amount of women you’ve stalked and harassed and posted on thedirty… nobody will ever forgive you. Nobody cares about crypto. None of the statements made about you are false accusations. They are well known by literally hundreds of people in Edmonton and many police reports have been filed against you, Matt. You still continue this behaviour as women still are coming forward complaining about you. It’s honestly pathetic that the Edmonton Police Services haven’t charged you yet with as many death / rape threats you’ve sent women … mainly from fake phone numbers. I am not one to wish ill will on anyone but you truly deserve to rot in a dark prison cell for life.

  18. Matt should be reported to police as the next person to murder a family or blow up a building. He’s a conspiracy theorist with a small ***** to pick. Women stay far away, and enemies reply to this. We can all work together to render him useless to society more than he is now.

    He deserves karma. I am karma and I am here to do karmas work

  19. Funny as **** how obsessed and envious over his own brother this guy is even posing as him online trying to ruin his name lol. I work with Chris. He’s been a union brother of mine for 10 years and I can say nothing bad about the guy except for maybe he gets a little excited at times but hey its nothing new. We all do. Certaintly anything that this kid has wrote about him online has been pure bullshit and just a good example of extreme jealousy and hatred.

    Chris has a house, a lovely hot *** girlfriend who comes out with us for brews on days off with everyone, and recently just got a sick *** new Nissan.

    I think this Matt character needs to level himself up and stop living a life of petty crime. From what I heard he has the same opportunity as Chris to become a solid tradesman but couldnt handle the teasing and quit 2 months in. Lol. Chris is definitely built different that’s for sure. Still has all his hair too rofl.

      1. No no, Matt. Don’t lie. The boys still remember you and how shaken you were to walk that beam. I know the guys who were on your crew back then. You instantly beelined it for the trailers and went back to Edmonton. Lol. Don’t use your ex as an excuse for being a *****. Your bro is solid. You are weak and ***** made and couldn’t handle real man’s work.

  20. Why is it that everytime someone exposes you Matthew you have to go and mention your brother? Nobody knows your brother Chris. Nor do we care. Hes not the one harassing women….you are. You threaten to destroy their cars and phone their work. I still have all the texts you sent Deborah. Youre a slimeball.

  21. This kid hasnt had a job for like 10 years. How has he been making money?? Scamming etransfers and crypto. Living off it. We doxxed him and got his location and he quickly moved. Would definitely like to know the new address as theres a few people in edmonton that would like to have a chat with him. Or maybe we should just visit your parents house on Deane crescent Matthew?

    1. Oh my gooodness this post from light work literally made my Sunday morning. Please tell me you actually did go and find him and he did move? Also I just went someone to pee in his gas tank, send me a video and I’ll pay. I am so beyond serious. I would enjoy watching society and his enemies slowly tear him apart. Matthew Edward Galpin took something From me, and I will
      Get it back.

  22. Matt should be reported to police as the next person to murder a family or blow up a building. He’s a conspiracy theorist with a small b***r to pick. Women stay far away, and enemies reply to this. We can all work together to render him useless to society more than he is now.

    He deserves karma. I am karma and I am here to do karmas work

  23. I bet you Matt is just stressing hard over this post lol. He can’t seem to get it removed from Google search results and it’s eating at him daily. His whole life is the internet and this is probably just ruining him inside hahaha. **** this kid. He’s such a **** up and a stain on society.

  24. Here’s what you do. Download an exifdata viewer application on your phone and if anyone has photos Matt has texted them from his phone, try and lift the exifdata from it. If you’re lucky enough you’ll be able to view the GPS coordinates of where the photo was taken along with much other viable information. If you’re even luckier the photo he has sent will be while he was at homeUnfortunately social media sites like Instagram and Twitter strip the metadata before its published on their site.

  25. i was a victim of Matthew’s wrath a few years ago when we both met on In the beginning he seemed normal but it wasn’t long before he began showing me signs of mental instability and would fly off the handle when i wouldnt answer my texts right away or missed a call from him. I should have blocked him and reported him the first time he did it but I allowed him to continue verbally abusing me until I cut him off completely. That’s when the madness ensued and I would wake up to missed calls from obscure phone numbers and ominous texts talking about murdering me and cutting me up. I reported all the texts to the RCMP but I am still not sure to this day if anything was done. This happened around 3 years ago and I have since changed my number. Its a good thing my instinct was right about this man and never bothered to meet up with him or let him know where I live.

    Matthew is a keg of dynamite ready to explode at any minute and I have never felt so unsafe in my life before. I am not surprised to see him being exposed online like this because my experience with him left me feeling very unsettled for a long time and i immediately removed myself from all dating platforms because of him.

    There needs to be a group on Facebook where all the countless victims of Matthew Galpin can come together and share their experience with this awful man. Maybe then the police will do something.

    1. He is gonna have to change cities completely. Even then his picture is known across Canada. The cannabis community on Instagram has shared his photos from coast to coast because of the amount of people he has ripped off. He stole $900 from a single mother on disability and sent her nothing. There is a bounty on this kid’s head.

      1. yooooooo. this so messed up that this ****** guy posed as his own blood brother online for over a whole YEAR using the same two photos and constantly harassed and bashed women online to have them believe it was his brother actually doing it. my girl was one of them and found you out Matt! sketchy little dogface haha. if i was your bro i would cave your ****** face in…no cap. maybes a ***** like you tho? you a bedwetter always talkin **** n runnin when called out..someday ill get you matt

  26. He is such a predator on women. Its only a matter of time before he starts grooming underage kids online. He looks like a pedo.

  27. This guy messaged a single mother of four and when she rejected him he threatened to rape her kids. What a sick fuuuuck

  28. “villains do good sometimes” he puts on his Twitter lol.

    all because he says he sponsored some poor kids in Africa. Matt really has a guilty conscience robbing people over the internet he has to post stuff like that on social media to make himself look good. this crook needs to be found.

  29. This guy stalks me and messages me everyday from several different numbers, he sent me to a townhouse almost identical to where he used to live but no one was there . I suspect he lives some where there do he could watch
    Me knock some randoms door!! Last week he told me he was going to kick my door in and make me watch him rape my 5&2 year old girls !! I will give anyone who gives me the right address $500 to know where he lives

    1. Contact his mother Marilyn Galpin on Facebook and demand his address. His father Jim Galpin works as an insurance agent on the westend of the city. Google him and youll find his office address. There are many avenues if youre serious enough about finding his whereabouts. And keep any texts he has sent you and file a report with the police. He has done this to dozens of women and continues to do so. He’s a total predator

  30. Matthew Edward Galpin is a degenerate gambler, alcoholic, and sadistic *** offender. He needs to be put in a ******* hole forever

  31. He thinks its humurous to be a villain but he is so much more than that….he is a complete psychopath will bad intentions. Watch out for this guy and dont let him near your animals or children

  32. Seven



    52 Deane Crescent St Albert

    Thats his parents home number and address. It’s ****** to get his parents involved but what else can one do? I would Call and let them know what their son is up to and show them all the texts and this post. Go file a police report and just keep reporting him. Eventually he will be found.

    1. Just selling off his Bitcoin gains to pay his bills. He is not making bank. Everything is a lie with Matt lol

    2. he is selling his bitcoin to pay bills. i hodl and sell crypto and work full time. multiple streams of income. guys who do what Matt does and flex like he’s a successful trader will never make it.

    3. Posting “trades” ie. selling your bitcoin to pay bills doesn’t classify you as “making bank” Matthew. If you had even a fraction of the money you claim to have in assets you wouldnt’ still be driving that POS Ford Focus or living in that crappy townhome with two cats. Face it. You’re depending on crypto to secure your future while the smart ones work good paying jobs AND invest. Day traders are a joke chasing a few hundred bucks lol. The more you post about your gsins the bigger of a hole you dig yourself. Evidence is building. The CRA is getting involved anyway so good luck hiding all that drug money from selling your **** weed. Youre too pathetic for words.

  33. He’s posting his hairline on twitter as if we will somehow all magically forget that he was balding at 31 rofl. Posting his “trades” . LOL. Matt has to live off BTC trades to pay his bills. No steady stream of income other than running crypto and weed scams. And he thinks he is balling. Delusions of granduer I must say.

  34. matt does these things because he LOVES the attention from the internet. thats why he says things and acts out like this. he is lonely and needs the attention. he has no real connections in life. nobody can stand him. this pleb is so cringe its almost sad to see his false sense of success consume to the point he feels the need to brag. truth is, he’s a nobody trying to be someone virtually online. he literally has NO life other than stalking and harassing women and robbing people online. he’s an embarassment to his family and everyone that encounters him. what a sad sad man he has turned into. a delusional short pudgy man with an obsession with evil people and living off gains from a digital coin to pay his bills. does this man know how pathetic he is making himself look to the rest of the world? its not haters, bro. we are literally laughing at you trying to make yourself come up while youre still stuck in the trenches. your trade profits are a total joke. nothing to be proud of. if you has any hustle in your blood you could have a successful career and STILL do crypto on the side. bullying women and posting your $800 trade profits by selling is not a flex, brother.

  35. He threatened to rape and beat my daughter , and rape my 2 &4 yr old nieces!!! I need to know how to find him cause I’m gonna ****** snap his squid GOOOOF NECK and drop it at his mothers door step. I am gonna post all the msgs from him and I have his phone number. This piece of bottom feeding **** has a cpl days at most

        1. Why would I want to talk to you? You’re a disgusting hooker and your kids should be ashamed of you. Your son is a failure at life and your daughter will grow up to be just like you. Leave me alone.

          1. Matt your piece of ****.

            Whatever girl your speaking to on here is always always going to be better than you.

            Matt Galpin, I promise you that you ****** with the wrong Rastafarian

  36. not sure why he is going off posting his Bitcoin trades as if he makes bank. does he not realize we know he’s jobless and HAS to trade / sell his Bitcoin to pay for rent, gas, food, and other expenses? that is pretty sad. a smart man would have a 100k a year job that pays the bills and have crypto as a side hustle.

  37. what a ****** moron lol. screenshotted all the trades on his Twitter and sent them to the National Leads Centre with my submission for tax evasion. not paying taxes is a federal offense Matty hahahahahah

  38. Jessica and Danielle are broke. Bottom line. I’m here being rich while all they can talk about is Matt Galpin this. Matt Galpin that. Hate me all you want. I am winning. **** your kids.

  39. heard he ran like a coward when a 17 year old kid went to face him. He wanted the escort to be his girlfriend and when she denied him he went right off the deep end. Lol kids so pathetic he flys right off the handle because he has to pay for *** and threatens women and children. Total ugly *** loser.

  40. Haha wow what a creepo. Changed his mattgalpin twitter now to a photo of his brother with some **** trying to shame him. This kid has lost it

  41. Want to know something really funny? Actually, two funny things. The first funny thing, the comment that was posted on July 30 and August 17 under my name was not actually from me. I have no idea who it was from. Someone posted those comments using my first name. Matt has an extremely long list of enemies so it’s impossible to know who it might be from. I didn’t even know someone posted Matt again until today. I stopping checking and stopped caring about what Matt “The Eternal Loser” does. The second funny thing, not even Matt knows this thing. This whole dispute with Matt actually started over a very simple misunderstanding. Back in 2013, I contacted Matt to build a website for me. Matt sent me a link to the website to check it out while it was still being built. It looked like trash. I contacted my brother and I asked him to look at it because he’s a computer engineer and I wanted his opinion. He also said it looked like trash. I told Matt what my brother said. Matt took offense to that and Matt said that I should just get my brother to build a website then. Then Matt quit. The funny thing is, I never intended to insult Matt and I didn’t plan to fire him either. I was just telling him what my brother’s opinion was. But Matt took it the wrong way, Matt perceived it as some kind of grave insult, even though it was never meant that way. It all began over something as tiny as a very simple misunderstanding over words. As the saying goes, “some times big things can come from small beginnings”. *****. But it doesn’t end there, I was still happy to move on after Matt quit. In fact, I did move on. But for some weird reason, Matt just couldn’t leave it alone. About one week later, I got an email from an unknown email address and the email asked me if my website was done yet. I had no idea who the email was from, because I didn’t know that email address. So I told the unknown email sender to leave me alone. But he continued to email me over and over. I still had no idea who it was. Then finally he signed one of his emails by writing “Matt” at the bottom of it. And that’s when I knew who it was from, it was Matthew. For whatever strange reason, he just couldn’t leave it alone. He just couldn’t move on with his sad loser life. He had to start contacting me again for absolutely no reason. That’s how this whole mess started. The funny thing is, Matt probably blames me for starting this whole thing. But I never started it. It was Matt who took my brother’s words the wrong way, it was Matt who quit, it was Matt who couldn’t move on, and it was Matt who reestablished contact with me after I had already moved on. Everything began with Matt. It was all due to Matt. He was the architect of his own destruction. And I just find it so hilarious that he doesn’t even get that. Matt is such a poor excuse of a human being, that is Matt in a nutshell. And yes, I’m aware that calling Matt “human” is being very generous. He’s inhuman at best.

    1. Settle down, Craig. You really like to twist stories don’t you? I could have cared less about your crappy website. I’m rich now. You’re beneath me. Get a life.

      1. Actually no you threaten to rape children. We clearly know what’s beneath you. You’ve been reported to the CRA and your name spread through the prison system. I also heard someone paid a street person to keep an eye on you ahahah

        So far he’s reporting back in regards to your where abouts

        1. If you find his address reply to this message and i will give you an email to send it to. I will pay you for it. Thanks.

      2. Actually no, Matt. I don’t love to twist stories, as you said. I told the story exactly as it really happened. Exactly. But I would LOVE to see you post your version of the events on here. Please go ahead and post it on here. I am genuinely interested in seeing how much you lie and distort the truth? And please stop telling everyone that you are rich and successful. No one believes that for a single second. No one ever. Who are trying to lie to? Who are trying to convince with that weak lie? No one is buying it dude. No one at all. You just say that make yourself feel better. If you were any easier to see through, you would be completely transparent at this point Matt. Hahaha.

  42. Here is the TRUTH about the Galpin brothers; I’ve known both of them for years: Chris is the older brother to Matt. He used to always bully and beat up Matt while they were growing up. When Matt got older, he started lifting weights. He’s got a good 50 pounds on Chris and I’ve seen Matt kick the **** out of Chris. More than once. Chris has been an iron worker for about 10 years, although at least half of those he spent unemployed. Matt opened up a dispensary during legalization. Chris wanted to work with Matt, but Matt said no because Chris had no drive, motivation or business sense. Matt took his profits from his business and invested them into crypto, making at least a million that I know of. This enraged Chris. Knowing he couldn’t take Matt physically, Chris resorted to online harassment and fabricating lies behind a computer. Karma seems to be catching up to Chris though.

    1. LoL. Matt. Nice try. Nobody believes a word you say and everyone can tell its you writing these comments. Give it up. You’re obsessed with your brother. You posted him on ripofflist because you think hes somehow involved which maybe he has commented but hes not the one who made this post about you. I did. You’ll be getting yours soon. Someone posted your address haha

    2. This was written by Matt not by someone else. Like I said earlier, if Matt was any easier to see through, he would be completely transparent at this point. Hahaha. Matt is incredibly easy to read and extremely predictable. So if ever plays poker, just bet on Matt losing and you are guaranteed to win. Hahaha. Matt should really take some time to study psychology. The fact that Matt constantly lies about his wealth and riches. Yes Matt, everyone knows that is a big lie and it has no truth whatsoever. That isn’t a secret. Everyone knows you are poor, sad, lonely, and probably suffering from mental diseases. Also, we must take into account Matt’s stalker-like behavior and unhealthy obsession, his fixation with cyber harassment, his need to pose as fictional people under fake names who defend Matt. Psychology tells us that Matt has virtually no self-esteem or self-worth. He very likely has OCD, Anxiety, Narcissism, and other mental diseases. It also tells us that he’s a social outcast and he has very little, if any, friends or family to stand with him. That is made rather evident by his need to pose as fictional friends of Matt under fake names. Because he doesn’t have any actual real friends. But it’s impossible to know more unless Matt sits down with Psychologist for a full battery of tests, which he will never do. At the very least, Matt should really start reading up on psychology.

    3. Lmao. What a good story, Matt. Lol Opened up a dispensary hahahaha. You mean Your website that you slang boof? **** you’re delusional, kid. Go get a proper whip you poor *** ***. Youre an embarassment to drug dealers the world over.

  43. Matt Galpin likes to drink soda. Matt Galpin has been to outer space. Matt Galpin drives a red car. Matt Galpin has a giraffe. Matt Galpin touched my buttocks. Matt Galpin has a racist pet hamster. Matt Galpin killed Kennedy. Matt Galpin did 9/11. Matt Galpin killed my father. Matt Galpin IS my father. Matt Galpin disowned his son. Matt Galpin has a 2 inch ******. Matt Galpin is the mayor of New York. Matt Galpin eats small children. Matt Galpin has 0.0000002 bitcoin. Matt Galpin is my ***. Matt Galpin is all I think about. Matt Galpin is my knight in shining armour. Matt Galpin is my kryptonite. Matt Galpin has 3 nipples. Matt Galpin is my hero. Matt Galpin is my villain. Matt Galpin can really dance. Matt Galpin is bald. Matt Galpin has long hair. Matt Galpin lives on the North side. Matt Galpin lives in Virginia. Matt Galpin is pleasant. Matt Galpin smells bad. Matt Galpin started covid. Matt Galpin cured cancer. Matt Galpin broke my heart. Matt Galpin hurt my feelings. Matt Galpin is awesome. Matt Galpin this. Matt Galpin that.

    1. This was written by Matt not by someone else. Like I said earlier, if Matt was any easier to see through, he would be completely transparent at this point. Hahaha. Matt is incredibly easy to read and extremely predictable. So if ever plays poker, just bet on Matt losing and you are guaranteed to win. Hahaha. Matt should really take some time to study psychology. The fact that Matt constantly lies about his wealth and riches. Yes Matt, everyone knows that is a big lie and it has no truth whatsoever. That isn’t a secret. Everyone knows you are poor, sad, lonely, and probably suffering from mental diseases. Also, we must take into account Matt’s stalker-like behavior and unhealthy obsession, his fixation with cyber harassment, his need to pose as fictional people under fake names who defend Matt. Psychology tells us that Matt has virtually no self-esteem or self-worth. He very likely has OCD, Anxiety, Narcissism, and other mental diseases. It also tells us that he’s a social outcast and he has very little, if any, friends or family to stand with him. That is made rather evident by his need to pose as fictional friends of Matt under fake names. Because he doesn’t have any actual real friends. But it’s impossible to know more unless Matt sits down with Psychologist for a full battery of tests, which he will never do. At the very least, Matt should really start reading up on psychology.

  44. Side note—-everyone report him to the CRA

    Matthew Edward Galpin

    And It takes about five minutes to ask you a lot of questions and you have to attest at the end but everything you were saying is honest he has earnings that he doesn’t pay taxes on. He has a website that is illegal, also contact Habitat for Humanity and let them know that he uses their name all over the Internet and he has a bad representation of the brand. I’ve already made sure that he’s been removed from ever being asked to work with one group again

    1. He shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near children or women. Ever. He also hides his money in crypto so keep filing reports on him until the feds actually get involved. They will confiscate his phone and make him access his wallet or exchange portfolio and look at his transaction records and seize any money that is deemed proceeds of crime.

    1. Matt did you seriously post my ****** address on here you ****** goof I would never use my real name but guess what you *** your turn is up

  45. Keep leaving bad reviews on his illegal website. Keep reporting him to the CRA
    Newest rumour is he raped his GF and threatened to kill her cat too. Threatened to rape some customers families too. He is using the joker for his images, someone should report him as a hostile threat to the city.

    He truly is going to hurt someone

    1. He already has. And now he’s trying to distract attention away from him by posting his brother on here and commenting under random names and providing the links to the posts he made. He even created a website for him lol. Nice try Matt. Everyone knows its only you commenting under random names. You’ve done this lots before to other people. Get over your brother. Nobody knows about him and I doubt he cares about you or your bullshit. You’re sooo in love and so envious of him it’s f*cking weird. We all think you’re secretly gay for him.

  46. Actually no, Matt. I don’t love to twist stories, as you said. I told the story exactly as it really happened. Exactly. But I would LOVE to see you post your version of the events on here. Please go ahead and post it on here. I am genuinely interested in seeing how much you lie and distort the truth? And please stop telling everyone that you are rich and successful. No one believes that for a single second. No one ever. Who are trying to lie to? Who are trying to convince with that weak lie? No one is buying it dude. No one at all. You just say that make yourself feel better. If you were any easier to see through, you would be completely transparent at this point Matt. Hahaha.

  47. You know what’s so delicious? Matt thinks he’s clever when he cyber stalks people online and steals their photos with fake accounts. And during all of those years, it never occurred to Matt that I was doing the same thing to him. I’ll never forget May 2015, when Matt actually called me out of the blue, after years of no communication. And he flipped out. He lost his mind. He kept calling me until he filled up my whole voicemail with threatening voicemails which I saved for the cops. Yeah, not very smart to leave voicemails behind Matt. You’re not exactly the brightest bulb in the bunch, huh? You’re not exactly going to win smartest man of the year. Haha. But you know what the sweetest thing of all is, the fact that I got under Matt’s skin so much, that he actually went that far and left those voicemails. Just the fact that I got to him and drove him so nuts!!! That by itself, is absolutely priceless.

  48. Dude lives off CERB and government handouts and sells weed to pay his bills. In his downtime he tries to harass and stalk people online. when he gets constantly rejected online this enrages him and he becomes obsessed with trying to make that person fear for their life. He is extremelt fragile and full of downright lies. Matt is just a little boy who craves attention.


  50. the reason matt lies about his wealth and uses it to try and peacock online is because he has literally failed at everything in life and has no other value and he thinks people will envy him if he tells people he is rich. he hasn’t held down one single job for more than a few months over 10 years ago. he hasn’t been able to keep a girlfriend for more than a month or two. he has abused anyone he has been in a relationship with, friends and women. he has been arrested for drug dealing (couldnt even handle that lol). reality couldnt be further from what he says he is. he is not successful by any means and his pathetic attempts to get people to be jealous of him are sad at best. he is delusional. everyone knows it. his family knows it. he knows it. he doesn’t even wear nice clothes or take proper care of himself or buy nice cologne or invest in a nice vehicle. he can’t get approved for anything because he basically has no credit. he had to create fake paystubs on his computer to give to his landlord to make it appear he was employed. ******* sad, man. just sad. all he has is watching sports, gambling with his money to get buy, and two kitty cats to keep him
    company because no one else will. he is destined to be alone forever.

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