Matt Patterson is a liar! – Virginia

I was dating this guy, we were supposed to be exclusively dating then he told me he got drunk and slept with his roommate. She moved out and I decided to forgive him (dumbass I know) and we continued dating. Then one day a girl from Brazil wrote on his page. Nothing fancy but just seemed to suggest more than friendship. I asked him about it and he said it was nothing. Then one night I went through his phone and saw they had been conversing on fbook messenger. He denied it was anything more then a that lives in Brazil. I kicked him out that night and he swore he would not talk to her anymore. Plus, she lives in Brazil so I didnt really think much of it. Fast forward a few months and we get in a an argument via phone, and that night he ends up getting his 3rd DWI. He tells me he is going to go to rehab for 30 days to try and lower his sentence. He gets out, and next thing I see is hes in a relationship, WITH THE GIRL IN BRAZIL! So I confront him about it and he has no response. I messaged the girl because Matt and I had posted pics and he was tagged in my posts, to see if she knew what was going on. The girl can barely understand and speak English and is a bright as a doorknob so that was useless as far as getting any information other than she loves him regardless of what hes done and who hes dating? Idk, I figured he liked that “bimbo” type bc he was misogynistic but he swore that wasnt what he wanted. Anyway, a warning to any girls thinking of dating this bigot …hes an alcoholic, does coke, all while putting on a fake Christian front for the world….stay away!

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