Mary Kuchman — Virginia

Mary has no class. She was having *** with my husband and then my husband blindsided me with this affair. He left me for her after 15 years. She knew we were a family. Not only that she became obsessed with my life. She wanted so bad to be me. She will have *** with married men all the time and would not think twice about it. Finally my husband left her and her baggage. He saw the light. But for some reason she still won’t give up. What… just to **** me off… it doesn’t. I think it’s funny because she knows that all she was, was used and tosssed away. She is pathetic. She will never have any morals. She has bed bugs but calls them flees. She can’t ever seem to find her own man. She should be ashamed but she wasn’t brought up right. She still is obsessed with my husband even after he left her. She never get it when a man says they are done stop begging and just let go. She is just mad bc at the end of the day I AM THE WIFE. She lied to her whole family and friends saying he was in middle of divorce. Maybe if she stops being a concubine maybe she will find someone but she will always be someone elses side chick. She loves breaking up a family. She just thought dam heres a man that takes care of his kids and wife let me try to replace her. Oh that didn’t turn out so well, when mistresses want to be like wife the husband finds his way back home. He finally left her and came to his senses. He couldn’t handle her dirtyness and baggage.

1 thought on “Mary Kuchman — Virginia

  1. So I ended up telling my ex (who was also with this girl) that I was actually telling him the truth when I was clowning him for “trying to turn a ho into a HOusewife”… I shouldn’t have told him to Google her.. apparently, he told her about the cheaters website that had her pic and this story… along with my previous reply to it because now that entire page is gone from that site. So, now I gotta put him on blast… he had the nerve to text me a few weeks ago to tell me that I “was right “. The funny thing is, how is he going to warn her about this site without telling on himself??? *****.


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