Mary Garcia (Flynn) — Pomona, California

My husband was a lyft driver to bring home extra money. We had an 8 month old daughter at the time and have been together for almost 9 years. One night he picked up mary and she hit on him. She insisted that he take her number even though he first refused and told her that he is married. He did the stupid thing and gave her his number.They texted eachother back and forth for a week every time i left for work. One day me and my husband got in an argument and he left. He picked her up and they went to a bar and got drunk. They then went back to her place since her husband was at work. They had *** and the next morning my husband texted me that he screwed up. He was gone for a few days and we decided to work things out. He broke it off with her and since she blew up his phone he blocked her. He left to go have a beer with his friend that night and go back to his mother’s house since he wasn’t moving back home yet. I woke up and knew something was wrong at 1:45am. I drove to his mom’s and caught him as he pulled around the corner with this homewrecker in the car. I tried to pull her out of the car and she wouldn’t take off her seatbelt. I ended up leaving after she ran off down the street. About a week later he was trying to get me to take him back. He had broken it off with her for good. We have now been back together for 3 weeks. On monday she sent me a selfie of her and my husband from a fake facebook account. The pic was taken when he was gone. This ***** is crazy.

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