Martin Thomas — Colorado

Be careful ladies. Marty may seem nice at first. I was with him for 6 months. He normally dates blonde women with long hair. He will more more more . You won’t know what more is until he starts hinting about. a threesome. If you’re not on board he will replace you before he’s done with you. Little gifts are only meant to make him shine. I went to Las Vegas with him about 4 weeks after we met paying for half. He confessed he was going on this trip with another woman so don’t be surprised if something comes up about her at the airport. During the last month of our relationship he wanted to go to Nashville I told him I wouldn’t be able to make the trip without a credit card. He went on to a dating site and found someone else to pay for half the trip then left to Nashville with this new woman only days before he broke up with me. He’s narcissistic and will break your heart. He will sing and dance with you, love bomb you but as soon as you start questioning things like his frequent trips to the bats without you, he will turn on you and make you the guilty party. He himself told me his relationships don’t last past 3 months. When I met him he said he believed in marriage but will then change his story to I’m independent and need to be single but he also said I will never give up ***. I think k he is an acohlic and *** addict. Ask him about his toys, he has a drawer full of them.

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