Martin Provencher — Massachusetts

Martin Provencher is a cheater and best liar I ever met. Just one week ago I caught Martin P at his home with a woman strattling him and making out. I walked into his house at midnight. Many details in last three weeks didn’t add up so I trusted my gut. The horrible part was is how much I love this man and his kids. How he just asked me weeks before to be his forever woman and soon maybe we could live together when my oldest was ready. We mapped out our retirement and what changes we would need to do for the house. He made love to me often. Called and texted and called me honey but all along he was seeing and courting this new woman he met at a funeral. There are many more details but the one thing I don’t understand is how this woman stayed with him. But then again I did too through several red flags because he makes you feel so beautiful. Beware of him going silent, being late significantly and won’t make plans with you till hours before on a weekend and expect you to be available. He will after four to six months start many different things and then when you get upset he ghosts you. Three days later he will begin to text and maybe say he’s sorry and say he’s not a communication. Don’t buy it. This is his cycle.

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