Martha Lopez — Nevada

This woman works in the same place as my husband. She is a single mom with a teenage son. She began going out with my husband and knew that he was married with kids. She would send him hundreds of texts at all times of the day and they would talk on the phone for hours. She has zero respect for his family and continues to send him emails even after he had asked her to stop speaking to him because he loved his wife and family. She makes it simple and tries to make it work related so that he will be kind and respond. They had an “emotional” affair for 6 months and she had him wound ups around her finger. I have reached out to her to just leave us alone but she stated she WILL NOT stop just because he’s married. She also stated that she knew about us but they were just friends even after she knew my husband was pretending to be at work to take her out. She said she isn’t a home wrecker and there was never any *** or physical contact. I feel bad that she still believes she is a saint that had nothing to do at trying to wreck my marriage.

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