Marsha Garcia — Florida

Marsha is clearly an opportunist and if she thinks your life is appealing, she will throw down everything to get your husband away from his wife and family with a show stopping performance as if she is the answer to his dreams. In reality she will be your worst nightmare because you will find there are no limits this ***** will go to get her hands on what youve earned. Her greediness comes right to the top and she has been known to rob people as soon as their back is turned. She is a serial liar, a long time criminal, and pill popping drug addict. Hooking up with Marsha is known to be the lowest rung on the ladder.

1 thought on “Marsha Garcia — Florida

  1. Marsha the blimp is shedding pounds not because she has changed her diet but because she ingests a steady diet of opioids and if you look up her arrest record, you will see she has gotten busted more than a few times. Her life is nothing more than a turnover of men who she has burned. No one has anything good to say about this ***** POS

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