Marleyrae Hunter — Edmonton, Canada

Marleyrae Hunter is a homewrecker. She had an affair with my husband. She followed him around like a lost puppy dog at my best friend’s wedding and then when I was around she would go and be all over his friends. I have told her multiple times that he was My husband even my friend went and told her to back off. Clearly, she couldn’t listen. Talk about *****. She went home with one and the next day showed up with another. We were at a birthday party where she continued to follow my husband around until I came around. She decided to continue to be friendly even had a conversation with me about her kids which might I add she doesn’t tell the people she decides to ***. After a while the friend that brought her eventually leaves because she’s all other every other guy at this party. I instantly message him to pick her up that she’s no welcome around me and my friends. Clearly, after the rude awakening that she wasn’t welcomed, she doesn’t come back. I just want to warn anyone with a boyfriend, fiancé, or even a husband to watch out for this girl because she doesn’t care. And then pouts to everyone when she’s called out and called a *****. If the shoe fits right? No sympathy here.

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