Marlando Collins — Little Rock, Arkansas

I’m exposing Marlando “ChooChoo” Collins and all his hoers. I have remained silent in all this mess. My children have been going back and forward with him and all these women. I don’t put my personal business off in the streets. But, at this point Rhonda Wofford done that bye posting my picture on this site. All me to very clear when I say this. Rhonda I have nothing to gain by exposing your affair with my husband. It’s also a degree of shame that directly reflects on me. My teenage daughter obtain your text massages and decided that she was going to defend her mothers honor because that what kids do when they are threatened. My husband should have did a better job of keeping his mess underwraps. I’m old school if you created then I believe that’s the one that should fix it. Rhonda you crossed the line posting my business name online defaming my character, unlike yourself I’m going to sue you defamation and I have clear proof. As to your reference to sue, please open the door. Because people will see the real low rate classless woman you are. I now have all the texts from my daughter and I will expose you if that’s the way you want it. I’m not in business of tearing another woman down even if she is having affair my with husband and she fully aware he married. I made that crystal clear in Tulsa. Now, on to the next tramp Natasha Wesson aka Tasha Collins. This one hear is not worth my response. She incapable of having a civilized conversation or anything else for that matter. She Rachet as my daughter says and down right delusional. She desperate and easy when ever he please type of girl. Honestly she not a factor, but she post things on social media that my youngest sees and that causes her hurt. Therefore it’s a issue for me.

My husbands name is not James nor has it ever been. She is only married to him in her mind. She uses the last name Collins which bothers my teenage daughter who was a daddy girl instill find out as she says her life a lie. My husband did a good job living a double life, but one thing that holds true. When u give a person to the lord he will take care of it and you. *** exposed his wrong doing and he will have to give in account to the lord one day for all his transgressions. To both of these ladies, it’s one thing if you are young and this man lied to you. But both of you are over grown and know better, Rhonda I talked with you and of course u denied any type of relationship. All lies I can’t say that I’m sorry my daughters dragged you. It was a knowledgeable choice to affair with this married man. Don’t they all say the wife this or that at 45 you should’ve known better. Tasha you made it known you don’t care if he married you will always be his jump off. That’s your choice, I can’t do nothing but move on with my life because he allows it. Hopefully one day you will obtain some self respect and realize that you deserve better then that. I hate that it comes to this, but at this point to end this I had to post a response. I’m not sure which one of you cut my tires and busted my lights. Just know this material things can be replaced, but the choices we make have consequences that weigh heavier the simply paying to replace things. *** will NOT be MOCKED he will avenge Mrs. Collins in due time. Be Blessed Ladies!

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