Mark Thomas O’Brien — California

Mark is a professional cheater. He has multiple women in various states. CA/AZ just to name a couple. He is open to dating anywhere and may offer to visit you where you live or fly you in, or pick you up no matter where you live, will say and do anything to sound charming and kind. Claims to be a Christian to lure women of faith in, when in truth, he has been known to be an atheist, agnostic at best. He is known to juggle multiple women. No less than 3, but is always open to more. He loves to have very young 20 year olds on the side, while also dating in his age range. You can find his online profiles on POF, Bumble, Match, Zoosk, Tinder…to name a few. He was married for many years and divorced his ex-wife after having cheated on her for many years during their marriage. He has an extremely toxic relationship with his ex-wife and children, his son primarily. Beware. He isn’t only a cheater, he has also been in jail for aggravated assault/domestic violence charges in Orange County. It’s public record and verifiable. He claims to be a good guy who doesn’t date much to get you to let your guard down and trust him. He is classic text book Narcissist. Believes he is ***’s gift to women. He will tell you he is the best thing that has happened to you, and mean it, and will make you believe you are beneath him. He is a master manipulator, an expert at gaslighting, verbally and physically abusive, hot headed (could be to his steroids use) and he carries STD’s. Make sure you insist on his condom use, as he refuses to wear one. Be careful of this man. Run for the hills.

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