Mark Poullos — Dallas, Texas

This man’s child is 39 and still thinks he is in high school. Lies cheats and steals. Never had a real job. Worked at a pizza place until 38. He is the nephew of Edie Brickell and Paul Simon. They give him money for drugs. Instead of real meds, therapists, and rehab. Such a shame. His brother is a meth addict with a meth lab in Allen, TX. Jason Poullos and Edward Poullos. Mark cheats on his wife with his step-sister. Learned behavior from his *** offender father named Mark Poullos. Sickness. Mark’s mother became a lawyer to make it cheaper to get Mark and his brothers out of jail and pay off the law. Very illegal things. Mark also has an STD from sleeping with men. Jason Hardison. Mark is a narcissist. He thinks his way of thinking is the only way yet he is a failure. He is a wife-beater, druggie( meth, h3roin, crack, Pepsi) also grows weed. De he bought a house in Bedford to stalk his wife instead of being a better person… He’s beat multiple women please speak out.

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