Marion Gene Peterson — Florida

In Orlando, Florida. This man who claims to be a minister but is not ordained will seduce women using ***. Marion Peterson will tell you that *** brought him to you & that he told *** that he desperately needs his wife. Marion has been married two times, has 5 kids by 4 different women and had moved in with his now ex lover/business partner Valerie Williams Munday before he had legally divorced his second wife. Valerie & Marion still reside together today. Marion will use you for money, claim to be celibate & a man of ***, but will desperately try to have intercourse with you, even eat your p****. Saying no means nothing to him. His company is a scam as he doesn’t pay his workers. He claims to have a multi million dollar company yet took my money with ease. He tried to over live his means in trying to impress me, but you can’t impress me having to give money for something he was suppose to take care of. He doesn’t have a running car, so beware of him asking you to rent a car as he also has no valid drivers license at age 54 years old born November 20th. He will claim that he is so in love with you, wants to buy land, have you move to Orlando, work for his company and take you on all of these lavish trips, but he will not want Valerie or others to know about you. You will be a top secret. He says that posting me on his Facebook to make our relationship known wasn’t ofGod

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