Marina Pine-Spencer — Sudbury, Ontario

This is Marina Pine-Spencer She works with children and youth and started an affair with a co-worker who was married with kids. She worked with this man’s two minor children weekly, sitting across from them knowing she was sleeping with there Dad. She actively encouraged him to leave his wife and kids to be with her. She portrays that she is a good person but happily spreads her legs for any man that comes along. She has low self esteem and brings others down to bring herself up. She was obviously raised well. She’s manipulative and pathetic and needs a good dose of reality. Don’t be fooled by this *****. When she gets caught she lies, manipulates and portrays an image of herself that is far from the truth. She’s a self indulging, narrsacist with a pathetic view of herself. Far from a good girl when your legs are spread! My friend was a good wife and never deserved what Marina did to her and her kids. This woman deserves to be shamed and wear her Scarlett letter. Your only accomplishment in life Marina is that you spread your legs for anyone. Karma will come for you Marina and when it does we will all be waiting laughing and pointing.

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