Marina Birch — Virginia Beach, Virginia

This woman desperately attempted to destroy a family by going after my fiance for a steady 4 1/2 years with her thirst for my fiance. Multiple times she tried to befriend me and blaming him and claiming she didn’t want him at all. That she just thought I deserved to know because she knows how it feels to be cheated on. LOL!! I told her to stop ******* contacting him and myself. No doubt she succeeded destroying our family, after dealing with this bullshit for so long i was sick of it and ended the relationship. The kids were torn apart and angry at their father. His family hated her. Did I mention she had other men on the line besides him, guess she kept a rotation but wanted mine the most. No less than 2 weeks later he dropped her and begged for his family back. We are repairing our family now and stronger than we have ever been…. By the way, hunny….. I laughed so hard when a friend of his showed me a text about how you’re the worse **** he’s ever had and at that time he was still with you!!!! After being lied to, cheated on and enraged, seeing that text was gold beyond measure!! Bless your heart… #yehimpettyand?

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