Marilen ******* — Calgary, Canada

Marilen ******* gives being a ***** a whole new definition. She likes to pursue married men with children. She’s desperate and thirsty for the D (and D). She relentlessly pursued my husband who was a coworker of hers even though he was happily married with two kids. She’s done this to other coworkers as well. What’s hilarious is my husband showed me all the text messages and emails that this desperate ***** sent him and when he rejected her she turned the psycho desperation up a notch and tried to contact me. We’ve blocked her on all our phones and email but this nasty ***** is relentless. She will stoop to any level to gain male attention regardless of his marital status or the social ramifications of her desperation. Only a dirty lowly **** would pursue a married man with children. Jokes on her though. Keep looking for a comparable pig to pursue who has your same life goals and lack of self-respect, although you might want to fix your beaked nose and nasty crooked teeth in the meantime. Better luck next time *****.

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