Marika Stepanis — Toronto

Marika Stepanis She Is A Home Wrecker. This waitress slept with my husband when he was working out of town.

Watch out for this attention ***** Marika Stepanis. All she wants is guys attention when in reality she has a boyfriend. She is so desperate to be famous on Instagram it’s sad to see. Stop accepting $$$ from strangers. Throw a bucket of water on this chick and she goes from a 6 to a 3. 30 years old still works at hooters and doesn’t have any friends because she is a fake *** *****. We don’t care about you 800th filtered AF selfie. You call her out for having a boyfriend on IG and she will delete the comment and block you. She is the fakest ever. From your looks to your “sweet” personality. Grow up and put some ******* clothes on Marika Stepanis.

Marika Stepanis

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