Marie Londo — Houston, Texas

I used to work at the hospital with this triffling, nasty, trashy home wrecker. At first, I wasn’t gonna get into it, until I witnessed this poor excuse for a woman boast about pushing ‘Al’ to leave his wife of 20 years…with 3 kids of her own. This tramp had 3 kids for this man and moved from a gutter in New Iberia, to Houston, Texas to move down the street from his wife. She exposed her kids to neglect and abuse to be with a married man who was beating the **** out of her while she took it out on the kids. CPS took the kids and told her to leave that man alone. Did she do it? **** to the naw. Those kids have been in custody for a year and instead of putting them first she still running behind him. The freaking court told her to stay away and she don’t even care. I hope she gets everything she deserve..her an people like her. Those poor kids are gonna be screwed up.

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