Mariah Hernandez is a white female from Woodburn, Oregon, who is married to Ruben Hernandez is a cheater.Ruben Hernandez is a staff sergeant in the United States Marine Corps. They have three boys together. Right now they are stationed in United States Marine Corps Base Hawaii. Mariah Hernandez has *** with all the married marines in her neighborhood. She has cheated on Ruben in the past and is not even sure if the last child is his. When I see her in the neighborhood I avoid her. She is fat, lazy and stupid. She has no education, no job and no career. She is a Karen and always in everyone’s business meanwhile she’s giving out free dirty sloppy stretched out vaginas to marines. Her marriage and family is all a lie and a show for the world to see. She is unhappy and miserable. Her husband is unaware of her behavior. I would advise him to get an STD test and divorce the ***** immediately.