Marcus Ray Stuart — California

This guy is quite the con artist. He will play on your heartstrings, let you know that life has been treating him very unfairly, and make you think that he is just a guy who got a bad deal in life, and is really trying to better himself. The thing is, he will never directly ask you for anything. But he will let you, your friends, his “friends”, and, assuming he does get a job, his coworkers, know that he is in need. And human nature being what it is, many will help him. He is so good at it that people who don’t really have a lot themselves will open their wallets, their refrigerators, and their hearts to him. Then, one day, they will need something. Maybe the lent him money, and now are hurting, and go to ask for it back. Maybe they don’t want the money back, but think that they are in a relationship with him. But watch out. As soon as you want something from him, Marcus polishes off his shiny ace in the hole, and says, “I didn’t ask you to do ____.” And with that, he lets you know that he not only feels no friendship/love/ or obligation. He assures you that he would never have taken _____ had he known you wanted it back, or felt it meant you were in a relationship/friendship/love affair/etc. Fill in the blank. I was such a fool. I saw him do this with someone else, and even then, believed that he was the put upon party, the misunderstood party. The man missed his calling, and Hollywood really missed out on a great actor. The kicker, however, is that Marcus Ray Stuart is a registered *** offender, who also felt he had no obligation to tell you about his record before he insinuated himself into your life/home/heart/work place/etc. By the time you figure this out, he has had access to your friends, your family, etc. And even then, he will tell you this absolute sob story about how it was all a big misunderstanding, that the little girl involved had been molested before and was just so damaged that she overreacted when he held her on his lap to help her with something on the computer. I really don’t know if this is true or not, but I do know that Marcus is a liar, and a user, and so I wouldn’t take bets on this being one of those occassion when the justice system got it wrong.

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