Marcela Soto Eatrada — Las Vegas, Nevada

Marcela Soto Eatrada lurks around auto shops and find “friends”. When she finds one she keeps bringing in lunch for all the employees and is super nice. Minor car fixes as excuses turn to what do you want for lunch today? She becomes overly friendly and overly caring going out of the way to listen to your relationship problems and insists on being the one you need to talk to. Seeming like she’s trying to help. She threatens to tell that you have been keeping her a secret. She waits till the weakest point, since your spouse is on to you and knows something isn’t right fights have started and you run to her now… she takes advantage of you at your worst and threatens you if you don’t see her again. Stalks and harassed you still with gifts and non stop visits and calls. She doesn’t care your life is being ruined and your family will suffer. She has her own family but she doesn’t care. She will just disregard them for one chance to live as a white person and as a white mans wife. That’s her with her husband.

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