Maranda Johnson — British Columbia, Canada

Use Caution. I had been friends with this girl for over 5 years and things were good… So last year we decided to make things a bit more serious and become a couple… Things were great when she was sober, buy add some drinks and that’s a completely different story!! I caught her sleeping with another man, and she said she was blackout drunk and didn’t remember… She said she woke up thinking it was me but quickly realized it wasn’t!!! … Yea ok once …. Twice in a short period, I can see happening… (It’s not right) thing is 6… 7.. 8 different men she accused if the exact same thing since then!!! Like who has that bad of luck I thought!! Sooo….. I go through messages and call logs … Found a number to one of these men and called him .. you know how people say and do certain things?! We all do right?! Anyways this guy said to me some things that she did and said that he would have had no idea what to say I less it was true… Yup, she cheated …. Admitted it after I told her exactly what I had done… Like if these things had happened that’s rape!!! Not something you say unless it’s true one should hope… This girl’s name is Maranda Johnson…. She’s an alcoholic… (As am I..) but be cautious she will get you to buy her alcohol and do nothing but use you! There were times in the last 6 months or so I suspected she was sleeping with other men to support her habit… Stupid me gave her the benefit of the doubt… Stupid stupid stupid mistake!!! Last night I and my sister were out and came back to her house…. Yea let’s say we caught her sleeping with my sister’s old man!! *** **** hey?! Anyways this post isn’t to slander anybody but makes people of both sexes aware of the things that can happen!!

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