This is Mandy McPhail originally from Montreal. She’s living in Mission BC now is just one **** of a drug *****. De she’s such a drug ***** she lost her child due to smoking massive amounts of crystal m3th. She likes to get her victims really high bear mace them and then called the police and charged them. After that she will rob you of everything you have and go and make a statement to the police so you stay in jail and she gets what she wants and she’s been known to spread her slug lips. All over the lower mainland with her famous quote” I am a princess “she’s dirty skanky and comes with a whole new set of problems for any victim. She approaches, watch out for this cop, calling ***** because this dirty *** princess will bring you down.
Yo pls take this down I appreciate whoever wrote this but ur not hurting her ur hurting her kid pls take it down Andrew