Mandy Konoplenko — Winnipeg, Canada

This ***** is nothing but a lying, **** talking fake FB tough girl who’s going to get such a **** kicking when she leaves her house scared Cv*t . Bashing her friend who she tried to COPY EVERYTHING she did yet is calling her a floozy on fb but yet did it with her YES MANDY you did how else would anyone have these pictures of you? You went to Brandon with Amy and Randee and was getting mad you couldn’t make money LOL because your ugly and no one wanted to see you haha … You also NEVER have your kids only fo lately because the virus is around your mum CONSTANTLY has them their own dad says it and you meet guys off dating sites you sleep with them and bring them home to your KIDS with knowing ANY of them “ recent guy liked your best friend amy “ LOL 😂 don’t blame him. Guys I have to call the cops on you because you don’t leave them alone after they sleep with you you become a stalker So badly that they have to call the cops none of them ever dated you you lie about it they’ve only slept with you and then your Crazyhead do you think they love you so you get mad when I avoid you and don’t wanna answer your calls and tax you’re a horrible mother it’s why you can’t bring your kids anywhere even their own dad says you don’t know how to raise them right you have a 12-year-old that ****** the bed still in pull-ups. But you wanna Call other people bad moms? Quit calling other girls floozies when you did the same thing with them and you used to work in a parlor when you were 18 with your best friend you’re just mad that you don’t look like her and even copying her hair lashes and everything she wore still didn’t help you look like her and you know it. You’ll sleep with anybody that tells you you’re pretty even though they’re lying LOL you’re a pathetic poor excuse for a woman and all you do is run your mouth on the Internet but I guarantee you you won’t be running your mouth when you’re caught now you want to post your friend on here but guess what we can post YOU BACK And you can try and lie but I mean how else would anybody have the pictures of you you ever wanted your work name to be close to her that’s why you use KANDI with a K. Keep trash-talking Amy And that she’ll send me the text of clients asking if the girl on Red Oak Dr., Mandy is still available for a double will post the proof of those to you if you don’t shut your mouth…. Now go run along meet another guy off the Internet to bring home to your kids without knowing if he’s a pervert you desperate ugly c* not! Before you start taking sh1 t make sure you are not lying about doing it too hon, What lie you going to use now? De she can try but here’s the proof that you’re a floozy too.

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