Mandi Ray St. Louis BPD serial cheater – Missouri

In a toxic 4 year on and off relationship, this woman slept with over twenty other people, men and women. She is notorious for breaking up and having one night stands with bar hoppers and getting back with you the next day because of her low self-esteem. She’s very narcissistic and relies on social media attention to fill a void. She will use and manipulate and play victim and try to borrow money with no real intention of ever paying it back. She plays victim constantly and never, NEVER uses protection. She has contracted several STD’s and doesn’t get checked regularly. She is very verbally and emotionally abusive and will try and bring you down to put herself in control. Control is very important to her and she does not respect boundaries. She will fall in love with you very fast and idealize you and f*** up your world, but it is temporary. Keep a close eye on her behavior. She is and will always be talking to other men and women. The moment she continually wants to go to bars alone, don’t expect her to come home or not cheat on you if she has a babysitter for her kids.

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