Manda Bausse — Winnipeg, Canada

This ***** goes by Manda Bausse on FB. She acts like she all hot **** and this guy logan wants her lmao. Please. When you thought u were pregnant with him. and he said no we can’t have this baby. You got all mad and msged him weeks later saying u weren’t. You know why? Cuz he was already fkn around with Josie, his gf now. Then after logan doesn’t want you, u try Nd hit up his best friend Vince. Like jus cuz one friend doesn’t want u, jus close ur **** legs, don’t open it up for his friend. DE, Lmao, and who takes a fkn pic of holding their neck fat. That’s just gross. Okay we get it, u were fat and u lost weight, but guess what *****, YA STILL FAT LMAO. Either way ya still Eazy lmao

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