Manager cuss at employee infront of guests And employees!

My waitress Summer Mekediak was the best server I have ever met in one of your Chillis or matter a fact any of your restaurants she was super polite courteous new every item on the menu took care of our small children like they were her own and waited on us hand and foot we did not have to ask for anything or go without she was on top of everything and then we heard somebody screaming and yelling coming from the back of the restaurant must have been in the kitchen so we looked over and noticed her manager screaming at cussing at her calling her s h i t and she was the worst server he has ever seen and she was a s server and we noticed summer run off crying into the bathroom then moments later he returned to our table smiling and trying to hold back the tears and yet still finished serving us so we had told her everything was going to be okay and we were going to call the corporate office and file a complaint on her manager I do believe the manager’s name is Tim something? I don\’t know but we weren’t going to talk with the manager there because of the way he was treating Ms.Mekediak moments ago so I feel that he needs a stiff punishment because Ms.Mekediak did not deserve to be talked to or embarrassed or harassed or threatened to be fired I do not know why he was cussing and screaming at her because like I said her serving was the best I have even seen so the whole restaurant was staring at them and Ms.Mekediak was in tears I felt super sorry for her so I really hope you take this to heart because it broke ours no one should be talked to or downgraded in front of a bunch of people and her co-workers so I truly hope you take swift action before he pushes or cusses someone else out.! I have seen people fired for less so I really hope to hear back from someone that something is being done thank you and have a blessed day

Author: Fatbody0624

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