Maggie Caserta — Mississauga, Canada

Maggie Caserta is an immature tramp that cheats on her long-term boyfriend with married men and then boasts over Twitter about chasing them. Maggie Caserta feels zero guilt over her attempts to break up families with young children. This teacher and wanna-be photographer doesn’t just like to tweet about ******** married men, Maggie also tweets about being drunk in her hotel room while supervising a school trip. Classy.

3 thoughts on “Maggie Caserta — Mississauga, Canada

  1. Hey Lisa. She’s not the only one I cheated on you with. Why don’t you just save us both the trouble and kill yourself. You’re a terrible wife and mother anyways, ****.

  2. Lisa, she’s not the only one I cheated on you with. You’re a terrible mother and wife. Do us both a favour and kill yourself.

  3. Hi Lisa Gray! 👋
    Your husband was on Tinder, cheating with plenty of women, not just her.
    Why are you blaming someone else when all he does is lie?
    I know your husband and he is a peice of ****.

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