Magan Hitchens — Montana

so where do i begin shes a drug addict and an alcoholic she cant take care of her children to the point her ex husband she she says is so abusive now has their daughter she also states shes been raped multiple times and has put one of her children up for adoption and is pregnant again so or i hear through the grape vines she gets with guys and says how she cant work due to disabilities and mooches of them til they finally have had enough and when they try to leave she attempts to commit suicide she has another kid who she cant take care of and is always screaming at him shes emotionally and mentally unfit to be a parent not to mention she has drds and has been spreading it around with every guy she sleeps with everyone she never uses protection and she even slept with my husband when i let her stay with us out of the kindness of my heart she **** him and then before all this she burned bridges with her last ” friend” by shoplifting and had the friend take the fall she plays the poor baby card and says how shes a young single mom and cant make ends meet…..can i just say….STOP HAVING KIDS! and close your legs no wonder you alone on a side note i really hope shes not pregnant again cause if she is that baby truly deserves to have a real family that would be loved not used also she says her ex husband raped her with her third kid and gave her the DRDS due to his cheating when it was her cheating and he left her as a result of her giving it to him she also says he beat her which is also a lie

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