Madison Christina Walker

Madison is a pathological liar, manipulative to the extreme, and possess no morals whatsoever. Lacking morals, she is able to look you directly in the eyes and tell completely fabricated lies. If questioned on specifics she will noticeably slow down as she responds because you forced her to make it up on the spot. She cheats. She lies. She steals. She is an abuser, both physically and emotionally. She talks behind each and every one of her friend’s backs. She’s an on again off again escort/prostitute so if you have $20 in your pocket hit her up; just don’t let her rope you in with her sob stories. Oh, be sure to have her brush teeth before anything happens. She’s been known to get physical with multiple people in succession with no bathing, cleaning, etc. in between.



3 thoughts on “Madison Christina Walker

  1. Claims to live by Tom Robbins books but she clearly doesn’t and that ain’t even the worst of it. Her words are as empty as her future. Fake as the come and twice as dumb. If she had an intelligent thought it would die of loneliness. A regular turkey brained giblet head with a soul that has long been dead with a ***** so smelly it’d even repel R.Kelly, and he ****** on people. I think her mother had one too many while she was carrying if you know what I mean. If you catch my drift don’t give this ho a whiff. I’ve never met someone so in love with their own rotten stink emanating from their used up pink. She has got a rotten gash that ought to be turned to ash like all feral creatures on ***’s green earth such an abomination should be sent straight back to **** from whence it came. Burn it, don’t churn it. It has been churned enough for Christ’s sake have some *** **** dignity.

  2. Madison once forced herself onto a 14 year old girl. She flat out told me this story multiple times as she tried to justify it in her delusional diseased mind saying she didn’t want the child to feel left out of a pride parade. Absolutely disgusting.

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