madhumitha mahendran engineer of cisco san jose california has been a terrible nightmare and home wrecker sloot who moves around sleeping with married men to boost her career and self esteem

Madhumitha Mahendran has been a terrible nightmare and home wrecker s***t who moves around sleeping with married men to boost her career and self esteem. She tries to gain sympathy from men by telling her sad story about depression and losing her father and tries to catch them in her s*x net and then tries to get favor out of the act. She has a very dark side to her personality besides her dark heart. She is vicious and dangerous in every possible way. She will try her best to s****h husbands to satisfy herself and then if she does not get her way, she gets violent too and attacks people. She has spoiled many lives and slept with many men like this. She destroyed my sister’s married life by befriending her and sleeping with her husband for more than a year. They had to report her to cops because she was stalking them and wandering outside their home at late nights. She kept calling and messaging and flooding their phones till they blocked her everywhere possible. Inspite of that she has tortured the family so much with calls, threat messages, her friends and boyfriends calling to threaten the man’s family with whom she had extra marital affair. De she sleeps with everyone her boss at work too to get all sorts of promotions and appraisals. Please be aware and just run away from this ***** as soon as you see her. She is not fit to work or live with at all. She does not deserve to be a woman and is not fit to stay with respectable and decent people at all. All she does is sleep with men and get her job done. If you see her, please report to cops.

Please beware of this wolf in human form and save yourselves.

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