Lynn Redd — Washington, DC

For 7 years this “woman” tried to destroy my marriage. She first pretende to be my friend to get closer to my husband after I found out her true intentions I made sure that she was far away. She then proceeded to stalk both of us through social media waiting on the day she could slip in like the slithering snake she is. Don’t trust her. She is a liyer who pretends to have manners and values. She pretends to be sophisticated and well off but she is not. She depends on her family and works a retail job at a random cloths store with no education to speak of. She has a tumbler page where she post pictures of her roast beef looking *****. And she suffers (from the looks of the pictures) of sever yeast infections. Her beety eyes will scare any child away and her hair never grows beyond the pathetic thing she calls a fro. Don’t trust her around your men ladies. She’s an aint **** woman who loves to be an adultres.

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