Luz Teran — Miami, Florida

Luz Teran, 40 years old, lives in Miami (Doral area) and was having an affair for over 4 years with a married man. She knew he was married because she worked with him. She flirted with him and pursued a relationship with the married man. When she realized that he was not going to leave his wife, she purposefully contacted the wife to let her know. She told the wife about the first *** she had with her husband and how she and the husband had fallen in love and that the husband did not love her. She then kept on posting pictures about her and her lover just to be mean to the wife and her children. The married man told her it was over and he wanted to work it out with his wife and she continued to stay working with the married man because she has no respect for herself. She still keeps on posting old pictures of the two of them as if they are together. The guy is an idiot as well but Luz Teran is pure evil.

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