Luis Daniel Laporte — Florida

Was there to witness the aftermath of what this jerk did as he obviously does not realize the magnitude of his actions. A month after beginning pharmacy school, cheated on his “live-in” girlfriend of 3 years with a classmate he barely knew. After the initial break-up, moved in with this stranger not even 2 weeks later. He continually lied to his now (ex) girlfriend and his family about the status of his relationship with this classmate stating they were “just friends,” “studying in a group,” and that he had been “sleeping on the couch.” Was caught with this ‘zoo animal’ and confronted in person after leaving his Google account signed in on the “family”/home Kindle with access to his location history as it was connected to his phone. This cheater’s (ex) girlfriend videotaped her confrontation of the two adulterers while they were going on a walk together outside of the trollop’s apartment and showed it to his family as she knew he would attempt to lie about what happened. This cheater continued to lie to his family for months about the status of his relationship with the ‘other woman’ until she naively and publicly posted photos of the two of them together on a trip. In the meantime, his family had helped his ex move twice, brought her food, and looked after her as they knew the truth about what happened. Two years later, his family continues to visit with his ex and support her as they also saw the aftermath of the situation. The cheater continues to deny the seriousness of his relationship with his now (ex) girlfriend to his current girlfriend and tells her that his ex girlfriend is crazy and making up/lying about the situation in order to deny culpability. He has still not admitted to his actions or apologized to his ex to this day. None of their classmates know the vile nature of how their relationship began. All of the mutual friends the couple shared despise him for not providing her closure after abruptly abandoning her. He continues to lie to this day.

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