Lucas Casteel — Hopwood, Pennsylvania

This “man” has a lot going on. His ex-wife left nearly 3 years ago because he found all his craigslist adds, dating profiles, and the prostitues he’d pick up because “she wouldn’t put out.” Meanwhile she was dealing with severe depression after 2 miscarriages along with physical and mental abuse. He still asks everyone and their brother about her. Tries to split up her new marriage and makes *** awful comments about her son. His new girlfriend thinks he’s as faithful to her as he was his ex-wife because he “never cheated on her, never kept her from her family, never abused her.” Well, guess who has dating profiles out and about? Poor girl is a single mother who lives in Germany. He’ll never change and will forever be an abusive, narcissistic, cheater with an extremely small *****. Avoid him, out him, do whatever. Just DON’T sleep with this STD infested piece of garbage.

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